Best Root Canal Clinic

Take a deep breath and relax, because at the Spruce Dental Clinic we have a skilled and experienced team of experts backed by the latest technology, so your root canal is done and over with in just a single session!

Who Is The Right Candidate ?

You may be a suitable candidate for Root Canal Tretment if one, some, or all of your teeth are:

Root canal treatment or endodontic surgery is usually needed when the infection and tooth decay spreads to the nerve in the tooth, which usually leads to an abscess. An abscess can cause severe pain and tenderness in the affected tooth while biting, along with dangerous infections.

  1. Severe tooth pain, especially in response to temperature changes. Pain could be spontaneous shooting-pains or throbbing aches
  2. Teeth are tender and painful, especially when you’re chewing
  3. Continuous pain for a while after eating or drinking anything cold
  4. Tooth-pain that increases when you lie down and reduces once you sit up
  5. Prominent swelling around the tooth
  6. Increased sensitivity when you’re having sweets
  7. If tooth pain spreads to your head or your ears

You may visit our dentist for an initial consultation to know if the treatment is right for your need. Book an appointment with us today!

Best Root Canal Dental ClinicBest RCT Dental Clinic | RCT in North Delhi

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